Monday, March 3, 2014

Side Plank Reverse Pyramid

Side Plank Reverse Pyramid
To build endurance of the trunk muscles in order to maintain stability for long periods of time, your focus should not be to fatigue the muscles over extended work times, but to allow short rest periods in order for the muscle oxygen levels to be restored.  One popular trunk stability exercise is the Side Plank.
Many times I see people holding the Side Plank for 30-60 seconds until their entire body is shaking and their form deteriorates.  Instead, hold each plank repetition for 5-7 seconds and then rest for a few seconds.  Then repeat.  You can use the Reverse Pyramid Russian Method, starting with 5 repetitions on the right side, then 5 on the left, then rest.  Then do 4 on each side, followed by rest, and then 3 on each side.  As you go through the pyramid, you are more likely to maintain proper form because although you are fatiguing the muscles, the reps are decreasing so you are not training to failure.    

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