Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Recruit Your Core: Stage 1 of Lumbar Stabilization


This video will be the first in a series of videos explaining the progression of Core Stabilization Techniques/Exercises.  You must first train your client/patient on how to engage their core and maintain its recruitment throughout an exercise in order to preserve the stability of the lower back. 
     The normal progression begins with static stability exercises in which there is no motion, just control and maintenance of one 'set' body position. 
     Next will be dynamic stabilization in which the trunk remains static, but the upper extremities are moving.  Here, the trunk is exposed to a force (developed by the moving extremities), and it must resist motion.  
     Even more difficult, the next challenge is to "control" the lower back/trunk, maintaining a 'stable' spine while moving it throughout its available range of motion.  This controlled or "stable" mobility is necessary in all sports and when performed correctly, will prevent injury.  Watch this video to get a feel of engaging your core.