Thursday, November 20, 2014

Fine Tuning Your Home Care Patient's Squat

Fine Tuning Your Home Care Patient's Squat
The previous post discussed the techniques and benefits of both the Box Squat and the Face the Wall Squat.  Both types of squats are performed using body weight, and they are very helpful in providing external cues for performing a correct squat.  In the Home Care setting, I have the majority of my patients (most of which are elderly) perform squats while holding onto their kitchen sink.  The kitchen sink is a great place to perform standing exercises at home because it is stable enough to support you if you lose your balance (unlike holding onto the back of a chair which may tip over).  I include squats in almost all of my home treatments because of its functional everyday value.  However, most of my patients require verbal and tactile cues to perform the squat correctly.  Incorrect performance may cause more harm than good, so it is extremely important to cue your patients as needed.
I first have my patient stand comfortably facing the sink with their feet shoulder width apart.
As they squat, I make sure that their knees are in proper alignment in reference to their feet, their lower back remain straight (not vertical), and their body weight shifts posteriorly onto their heels as they hinge at the hips.
Many patients squat vertically.  They keep a straight spine, and lower themselves vertically toward the floor.  Their knees cross anterior to their toes, causing excessive stress on the knees
This is incorrect.  You want to maintain a straight lower back.  However you should do this by hip hinging, not by holding a vertical position
If the patient squats incorrectly, I will place a chair behind them for an external/visual cue.  I then ask them to lower themselves as if they are trying to sit in the chair. 
The chair will provide them with the "motivation" to hinge their hips, pushing their butt back to the chair.  As you can see, the lower back remains straight, not vertical
If the chair cue doesn't work I have my patient step as close to the sink as possible, placing their feet under the cabinet so that their knees come close to touching the cabinet door
Upon squatting, if still performed incorrectly with anterior knee translation in relation to the feet, the knees will hit the cabinet doors which will prevent any further anterior motion. 
As they continue to lower themselves, they will have no other option than to hinge at the hips, driving their butt back.  This will transfer their body weight onto their heels and should correct their squat

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