Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Turkish Get-Up: Broken Down, Modified and Applied for Rehab

The Turkish Get-Up: Broken Down, Modified and Applied for Rehab
Many of today's multi-joint, complex fitness techniques are more beneficial than we may realize.  For example, the Turkish Get-Up requires scapula and trunk stabilization, rotational strength, grip, balance and motor coordination to correctly transition from the supine position (lying on your back) to sitting, kneeling, lunging, standing and the reverse.  This is a great activity for overall stability, balance and strength as well as cardio.  However, if used properly, it can benefit even those who have neurological conditions such as stroke, cerebellar dysfunction and ataxia.  We just have to modify the movement and avoid training our clients with a narrow mind-set. 
The Turkish Get-Up is a popular kettlebell exercise, but if we only applied it to our fittest clients, I feel we (and they) are missing out.  Below is a video of a client with a neurological condition causing ataxia.  He suffers from balance issues, frequently falling backward, and has a difficult time recovering from the fall.   He is an awesome client, as he is willing to try anything that may make his life easier.  Here is the Turkish Get-Up customized for his needs...Turkish Get-Up RehaBELLitation

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