Tuesday, July 9, 2013

What is the difference between the Rotary Cup and the Rotor Cuff?

What is the difference between the
Rotary Cup and the Rotor Cuff?
Nothing! But when someone uses either term, they really mean to say Rotator Cuff.  Four muscle make up the rotator cuff.  An easy way to remember which muscles comprise the rotator cuff is S.I.T.S. which stands for:
Teres Minor
The Supraspinatus acts to Abduct the arm or lift it to the side.
The Infraspinatus externally rotates the arm
Teres Minor also externally rotates the arm
Subscapularis internally rotates the arm

Internal rotation

External rotation
Many times, you will see someone using a resistance band with the elbow bent at their side, rotating the arm out and in against resistance of the band.  When you ask them what they are training, they will say their "Rotary Cup."  That is only part of the necessary training for the rotator cuff.  These muscles are actually stabilizers of the shoulder.  Their primary action is to stabilize, not to internally or externally rotate, or abduct the arm (secondary action).  So, it is okay to initiate training with the standard resistance band internal and external rotation exercises.  However, the more advanced rotator cuff training comes when you focus on stabilization of the shoulder. Click here to see some shoulder/scapula stabilization techniques.  http://www.strengthondemand.com/Body_Mechanics.html

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