Thursday, November 10, 2011

Client Assessment Part 2


"H"  Stands for History

During the assessment, it is important to gather information regarding patient history in order to determine the "health state" (behaviors/activities) as well as the "injury/disease state."  Knowing where your client was, helps to determine their goals as well as the extent of their injury.  During the patient history, you will want to gather the following information:
1.  General demographics: age, gender
2.  Growth/development: hand/foot dominance
3.  Present problem/complaint
4.  Past medical/surgical history
5.  Present medications: pain meds, muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatories
6.  Family history
7.  Vocational/Recreational info: Is their occupation a contributory factor? Ergonomics?

Following this section of the assessment, you will plan an in depth physical examination.  This is where you ask yourself:
1.  What are possible hypotheses for the cause of your client's problem? 
2.  How aggressive can you be with their training?  

Next entry will be "A" for Assymetries.