Thursday, February 17, 2011

So, What Was Being Targeted With the Diagonal Snatch, Log Uppercuts and Spirals??

Diagonal Snatch:
-In this exercise, you are moving the kettlebell in a D2 Flexion Pattern in PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation).  Basically, you were working a diagonal proprioceptive pattern which will lead to more efficient functional movement patterns (Targeting the Nervous System)
-You are working Shoulder mobility, scapular stability, grip, forearm strength, rotator cuff stabilization, core stabilization, glute activation

Long Log Uppercuts:
-More diagonal patterns, this time with speed and power, which is more challenging to maintain core stability
-Grip and forearm strength
-Scap stability as you do not want to allow your shoulder blades to protract while you are "punching" upward

Short Log Spirals:
-Diagonals again, this time combined with dragon lunges
-Do not allow the logs to move off of your forearm, so you must squeeze the handles tight (Grip)
-If you push off the rear leg when moving into the upright position, you get a dynamic psoas stretch and assist your push off which is necessary in many sports.  Obliques will also be targeted as your trunk rotates and the core must remain stable throughout

Now, watch it again.....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mNxq5VJKxQ