Wednesday, January 21, 2015

High Plank Modification Adds Multiple Benefits

High Plank Modification Adds Multiple Benefits
The High Plank Exercise is a great exercise that focuses on shoulder and trunk static stabilization.  There is no motion...only a timed positional hold.  This can be easily modified using a Strength On Demand Resistance Band. 
The following progression will challenge:
-dynamic shoulder and scapula stability on the weight-bearing arm
-strength of the postural scapular muscles, including the rear deltoids and middle traps on the moving arm's side
-rotational stability of the trunk

High Plank
Start in a high plank position anchoring the resistance band with one hand, gripping the other end of the resistance band with the opposite hand.  The closer your hands grip on the resistance band, the more difficult this technique will be, so leave some slack in the band when you first attempt.  A little bit of resistance is all you need to feel this exercise!
High Plank
high plank
While one end of the resistance band is anchored to the floor with one hand, the 'moving arm' is lifted to the side into horizontal abduction.  Here, my right arm (the anchor) remains stable (shoulder/scapula stability) while my other arm is moving out to the side (working the rear delts and middle traps).  The motion of my arm is creating rotational force on my trunk, which I must resist.  My hips and torso remain "squared-off" with the floor.  This is rotational stabilization.  This is a great progression for clients in the mid to later stages of rehabilitation from shoulder and/or lower back injuries.

Get your resistance band HERE!!