Sunday, October 16, 2011

"Red Flags" for Special Population Clients

When initiating sessions with special populations, many of them will come to you with an extensive past medical history.  They may be on medication for heart problems, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, etc... Although you should give each of your clients your undivided attention, you must pay particular attention to what these more "medically compromised" clients report to you.  Here are some "Red Flags" you must be aware of in order to maintain the safety of your clients.  If a client complains of any of the following, do not tell them to "brush it off!"  Refer him/her back to their physician before continuing your sessions.

1)Complains of intense, unremitting pain
2)Pain is unaffected by medication or change in position
3)Complains of intense night pain
4)Complains of intense pain with no history of prior injury
5)Complains of intense spasms