Knee Mechanics: Down & In
Watching your client's jumping mechanics can tell you a great deal and potentially help you prevent or recover from knee injury.
This athlete presents with a "down and in" motion of both lower extremities upon jump and landing.
What does this tell you?
1. Your client may have overly pronated ankles or flat feet possibly due to tight gastrocnemius, soleus or subtalar joint
2. Your client may have a tight Ilio-tibial band or Tensor Fascia Latae musculature
3. Your client may have weak gluteus medius
How do you work with this client?
1. Stretch the gastrocnemius and soleus
2. Stretch the ITB/TFL and use a foam roller for deep massage
3. Strengthen the posterior Glute Medius with clamshell or prone figure four exercises
4. Practice the intended motion with proper technique...Work the movement pattern and the muscle timing will follow
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